Nazareth Project Inc.

Partnering with Nazareth Trust in Nazareth and surrounding areas
(717) 290-1800

Nazareth Academic School of Nursing Partners with Ono Academic College

NPI is excited to announce to all our friends and supporters that on April 18, 2024, a cooperation agreement was signed between Nazareth Academic School of Nursing and Ono Academic College located in Kiryat Ono, Israel. Management and staff from both organizations were present for this important event, including Shlomo Noy, President of Ono Academic College and his colleagues: Professor Orly Turin, CFO Rami Haddad, and Financial Director Tali Ron. Those present representing our partners at Nazareth Academic School of Nursing were Waseem Dibbini; Acting CEO of the Nazareth Trust, Dr. Salam Hadid; Director of the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing, and Dr. Fahed Hakim, Director of Nazareth Hospital.  

This partnership will enable joint academic programs to be initiated between the two institutions such as: a Bachelor’s Program approved by the Israeli Higher Education Council, a professional transfer course for a Bachelor’s in Nursing, and the new “Afik Mafar” program; which provides an opportunity for students who do not have all the requirements to begin a Bachelor’s degree to start their education in nursing. All these new programs will be held at Nazareth Academic School of Nursing.  

During the ceremony Waseem Dibbini, Acting CEO of the Nazareth Trust remarked: “Since its establishment, the Nazareth Trust has been working to empower the Arab community…[by] bridging gaps and achieving equal opportunities through Nazareth Hospital, Nazareth Academic School of Nursing, and Nazareth Village, providing medical care and academic qualifications, and job opportunities for the people in our community. The Nazareth Trust is distinguished by its special interest in providing care in culturally and socially appropriate ways, in order to help our children achieve their full potential for a better professional and personal future.”  

Shlomo Noy, President of Ono Academic College said: “This cooperation between Ono Academic College and the School of Nursing at Nazareth Hospital will create a center of excellence in the Galilee for the benefit of male and female students who see nursing as a career with a mission and purpose. This partnership will allow them to earn an academic title in nursing without having to travel far. This cooperation will also benefit the medical centers in the Galilee region by increasing the number of the nursing workforce with a high scientific and professional level.” His colleague Orly Toren, Head of Nursing at Ono Academic College stated: “This is a turning point for us in the Faculty of Health at Ono Academic College and for the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing. Cooperation between us benefits all parties and strengthens the field of nursing in the northern region.” 

Dr. Salam Hadid, Director of the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing said, “The Nursing School in Nazareth has had an imprint in the field of nursing education for 100 years…through developing educational programs in the field of nursing and adapting them to the needs of the region. The school is distinguished by its high professionalism, supportive and stimulating family atmosphere…Developing its educational mechanisms with the recent construction project that resulted in the presence of smart classrooms and the most advanced simulation rooms in the country, and also developing the academic environment through a partnership with Ono Academic College, is ultimately in the interest of all our young men and women who wish to learn the nursing profession.” The smart classrooms and the advanced simulation rooms are outfitted with equipment and furniture provided by a grant from ASHA/USAID. Financial support provided by NPI contributors support NPI’s application for and reporting on ASHA grants.

This partnership represents an ideal model of cooperation between academic institutions in the health sector in Israel. It will enhance and develop the level of education and training in nursing for the region. NPI thanks all our friends and supporters that contribute financially to the mission of the Nursing School (including the Nancy Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund). As this partnership continues, we pray that others like it will cross cultural boundaries for the promotion of peace and healthcare in the Holy Land.