In Spring 2018, 22 friends and supporters of NPI visited the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem near the end of a 9-day trip to Israel. The Garden Tomb is the location where some believe that Jesus was buried. The NPI tour group joined hundreds of Christians from around the world visiting the Garden Tomb.
The trip to Israel included four days in Nazareth during which we visited Nazareth Hospital and School of Nursing. Drs. Bob and Nancy Martin, our tour hosts, were delighted to meet old friends and colleagues from their previous assignments totaling 18 years in Nazareth.
For the health care professionals in the tour group, a Symposium featuring nine brief presentations by five doctors from Nazareth Hospital and four doctors in our group was a highlight of the trip. Attendees were impressed with the level of academic research and publication by Hospital staff.
Here, Dr. Fahed Hakim, Medical Director of Nazareth Hospital, discusses the presentations with Dr. Rachel Eash-Scott of Milwaukee (left) and Dr. Joan Kreider of St. Paul.
Another highlight of the tour was Kelly Trease’s baptism in the Jordan River. In the picture, Kelly (center) and her parents, Joe and LaVonne Martin, receive a blessing from Rev. Suheil Bathish, Chaplain of Nazareth Hospital.