At the Nazareth Project, your giving is vital to the success of our mission. In addition to direct giving, you can support us through planned giving.
NPI has partnered with Everence to provide charitable services to NPI donors. Through planned giving, you can provide future support for the work and mission of the Nazareth Hospital and the Nazareth Academic School of Nursing while also giving you and your loved ones financial flexibility, potential tax benefits and even income for life.
Charitable IRA Rollover:
If you have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you’re likely familiar with the requirement to withdraw a certain percentage from your account beginning at age 73. Supporters aged 70 ½ and better may consider an IRA charitable rollover (up to $105,000) to a qualified charity and not have that transfer count towards their taxable income in the same year. Charitable rollover amounts could count toward the client’s required minimum distribution.
Making a Distribution from your Donor Advised Fund:
A smart way to extend your generosity is to establish a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) through Everence®. A DAF is the equivalent of a charitable investment account. After you make an initial tax-deductible contribution to the account, you can recommend distributions to NPI (or other charitable organizations) now and/or in future years. Any funds that remain in the account are invested tax-free in order to grow your charitable impact over time. If you have a donor advised fund with another Foundation, now is a great time to consider a gift to NPI from your fund.
Becoming a Sustaining Donor:
In honor of the more than 160 years of Nazareth Hospital’s work in the hometown of Jesus, consider contributing $100 for 60 months. This important monthly commitment will assure future growth and sustainability of Nazareth Hospital and Nazareth Academic School of Nursing.
Giving an Appreciated Asset:
You can make a big impact when you make a charitable gift of appreciated assets like stocks, bonds, retirement assets and real estate. In addition to receiving an immediate charitable income tax deduction, your gift of appreciated assets may allow you to also reduce capital gains taxes.
For more information contact Howard Good, NPI’s Executive Director, at or 717-475-8737 or Elyse M. Kauffman, MBA, Charitable Consultant, at or 717-653-6662 Ext. 4494
NOTE: Please consult with your accountant or financial consultant for specific information about and potential strategies for your personal situation